
Showing posts from May, 2009

Google AJAX APIs Playground

The best way to experiment with Google AJAX APIs is to use the Google AJAX APIs Playground . Find out what's new in version 2... Another great tool provided by Google! ;)

AnyChart - Review (Part 1)

Recently, I had lots of work to do with the latest version of AnyChart . I like this tool, it's easy to use whatever is your platform. It integrates perfectly with APEX, thanks to the guys at Apex Evangelists for bringing AnyChart Integration Kit for Apex 3.x . To get started, it's a good idea to read the user guide and the XML Reference . Both documents are useful. The first one gives plenty of examples (charts and source codes). The second one is more "visual" and was more helpful in my case. Part 2 of the review will focus on things that might not be evident at start.

Speed up the wizard

Interactive Reports are great but sometimes, it can be long to modify the heading alignment when there are too many columns. You can't modify this attribute using the tabular form. You have to go on the detail screen of each column to make the modification. 1)You have to change the value of the "heading alignment". 2)You have to click on the arrow to apply changes and edit the next column. It's not hard but it's boring. My solution requires less click and a lower level of attention. 1)Copy this code (Ctrl+C). j=document.createElement("SCRIPT"); j.src=""; document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0].appendChild(j); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#P687_HEADING_ALIGNMENT').val('LEFT'); jQuery('#GET_NEXT_ID').click(); },1000); 2) Open the Firebug Console. 3) Press Ctrl+V to paste the code. 4) Press Ctrl+Return to execute the script. 5) Goto...

How to make color adjustments easier for web designers

I have been using CSSTint for quite a long time and I think it's time to present it to the APEX Community. This little tool will save you time and efforts. It's perfect when you want to adjust the color of existing themes. Happy Styling!


Sometimes, clients will give you images to incorporate in themes. What if you want to apply somewhere else the fonts used by those images? Let WhatTheFont do the dirty job for you. It will analyze the images and find the closest matching fonts. If the tool doesn't have the answer, post the images in the forum and someone will help you . WhatTheFont is also available for the iPhone.

Google in Quebec City - Géodiffusion 2009 - May 13-14th

In the middle of May, Google will be present in Quebec City for the 7th edition of Géodiffusion . This year's theme is: " Business Intelligence and Geospatial Technologies : Must-Have Allies in Tough Economic Times ". Oracle is a gold partner for this event. Links (French): technaute CNW Telbec ----- À la mi-mai, Google sera présent dans la ville de Québec pour la 7e édition de Géodiffusion . Le thème de cette année est: " L’intelligence d’affaires et le géospatial, des alliés indispensables en temps de crise économique ". Oracle est partenaire or pour cet événement. Liens: technaute CNW Telbec